I'm taking a nap 'cause I've got to work 16 hours straight tonight. The doorbell rings. You guessed it, door to door sales.
So I go to the door, hoping against hope that it's something better than sales. Maybe, just maybe, the cable company has come to fix the cable that they didn't attach correctly to the back of the house that's now hanging less than three feet from the ground.
It's the cable company alright, but it ain't to fix anything.
I open the door, and I see the guy's clipboard. On the top it says in huge, bold type, the cable company Direct Marketing. So I say, "Can I help you?"
"Are you familiar with the cable company?"
"Are you here to sell something or to fix the issue I called about two months ago?"
"What makes you think I'm here to sell?" he asks me.
"Doesn't matter," I say. "Unless you're here to fix the problem, let's not waste your time. I'm not interested in switching."
"Well, are you a current the cable company customer?"
"No, and until you carry the channel for my 1 year old, I won't be switching. Good bye."
"But we've got some great opt-"
Is the last thing I hear as I firmly but politely close the door. He stands outside the door, looking incredulously through the glass as though amazed that I would not be interested in his sales spiel. Then I go out to check the mail, and there in the door is the flier he was going to use to sell to me.
I guess at the very least, you have to admire the tenacity.
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